Friday, July 12, 2013

FOOD INSTALLATION #1: Roasted Chicken in Herbs and Lemongrass

I am calling this my 'FOOD INSTALLATION'.

Let us start with some dressed chicken.
But don't forget to pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees first.

Get some lemongrass stalks and leaves. You can cut them or just ball it up. 

Stuff the dressed chicken with lemons, herbs (oregano, basil, the smaller leaves of Spanish oregano), ground black pepper, salt. Give it a rub of lemon, olive oil and some herbs too.

 If you have fresh corn, cut them up and put them around the pan before putting them in the oven. Sprinkle your "food installation" with some lemongrass stalks and cut leaves.

I chose to rub my chicken with some olive oil and fresh milk so the skin will not burn that much.
Cook in your pre-heated oven for 45mins to an hour.

Now, it is ready for eating. 

Note: I cooked this for my nephew's high school graduation. My family loved it and I will try to do it more often when I get back home.





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